Patriot Front Member Daniel Turetchi Asks Court for More Time to Find a Lawyer
March 5, 2023 10:45PM EST

Patriot Front member Daniel Turetchi (aka Grant MD) has filed a petition with the Eastern District of Virginia court for a 30-day extension to find a lawyer.

Turetchi needs a lawyer because he's a defendant in a civil case brought by two Richmond, Virginia residents. The case has been winding its way through the Richmond court since last October.

On February 4, Turetchi was served at a home in West Virginia. You can view the service paperwork here. Turetchi appears to have been ducking the process server since early January.

The plaitiffs have not objected to giving these Patriot Front members more time to find lawyers, and the judge in the case has been granting these motions for other defendants.

Turetchi and another Patriot Front member Paul Gancarz are clearly still without lawyers, while to other Patriot Front members just hired a white nationalist lawyer out of Baltimore named Glen Allen.

I wouldn't be surprised to see all of these Patriot Front members roll up under Allen as their lawyer.

Judging by the quality of writing in the their motions to the court, Turetchi and Gancarz are definitely not represented by a lawyer yet. They are, however, working together. Just look at how similar the poorly crafted sentences are in Turetchi's request and the one Gancarz filed. They're definitely collaborating.

Here's what Turetchi wrote to the court.

My name is Dan Turetchi. It has recently come to my attention that I am named as a defendant in Civil Action No. 3:22-CV-00670-MHL in the US Eastern District Court of Virginia.

I do not agree with the service however I understand that I am expected to provide a response to the court. I have not been given any adequate amount of time to find an attorney or retain counsel. Not only that, but it is proving very difficult to seek out and retain counsel willing to represent me. I need more time to be able to find and retain counsel and as such I am requesting a 60-day extension to retain counsel and provide a response to this complaint. Please be aware that I have confirmed with Michael Shebelski - the plaintiffs attorney - who does not oppose a 30-day extension.

Here's what Paul Gancarz filed with the court seeking a time extension.

My Name is Paul Michael Gancarz. It has recently come to my attention that I am named as a defendant in Civil Action No. 3;22-CV-00670-MHL in the US Eastern District Court of Virginia. I do not agree that service was proper however I understand that I am expected to provide a response to the court. I have not been given any adequate amount of time to find an attorney or retain counsel. Not only that, but it is proving very difficult to seek out and retain counsel willing to represent me. I need more time to be able to find and retain counsel and as such I am requesting a 30-day extension to retain counsel and provide a response to this complaint. Please be aware that I have confirmed with Michael Sheblskie - plaintiffs attorney - who does not oppose a 30-day extension.

Turetchi and Gancarz had basically the same response to the court. For some reason Turetchi requested a 60-day delay, but then said plaintiffs' attorney doesn't oppose a 30-day extension.

While these two people do appear to be working together, these motions were not written by an actual lawyer.